Hi ladies! So, today we are going to jump right into it as I will be sharing with you practical steps and tips on the ways to evangelise and how to deal with rejection of the Gospel when you evangelise to people.
These practical steps on evangelism are information that I have gathered over a couple of years through youth bible studies, reading books on evangelism, researching about it and studying evangelism through devotional plans and my own bible studies.
And therefore, the information I have accumulated I want to share it with you all ladies, so that together we can have a better understanding on how to evangelise.
Practical steps on:
- How to evangelise
- The different reactions in response to your evangelism
- How you should respond to other people’s reactions
What are the ways to evangelise?
- Personal evangelism
- It is to personally deal with the lost in all kinds of situations; having one-to-one conversations.
- This can look different depending on how you want to evangelise to a person, whether through handing out leaflets on the street and sparking conversation this way or, having a genuine conversation on the gospel message or sharing your testimony with a friend, a member at church, stranger or a family member.
- Discipleship in evangelism
- It is mentoring/discipling one or a few believers who are either new to the faith or who are looking to have a mentor to disciple them, to be guided through their Christ journey.
- As a mentor you should fundamentally help your mentee develop intimacy with God, bear much fruit (produce many characteristics of Jesus in their daily lives) and guide them through pursuing God’s purpose for their life.
- Mass evangelism
- It is the gospel message being presented to a crowd of people.
- This can be done through outreach programmes, church, film, musicals, dramas and many more.
- Digital evangelism
- It is a way to spread the gospel message across the internet.
- This can be done by posting, reposting, and creating social media content about the gospel message on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Tiktok etc.
- You could make a group chat and share sermon videos and have conversations about Jesus.
What possible reactions you may face in response to you evangelising the Gospel?

- Some will sneer
- “When they heard about the resurrection of the dead, some of them sneered.” (Acts 17:32)
- Don’t be surprised when people reject the Gospel you are preaching. Just don’t get personally offended, and think they are rejecting you. Unfortunately, they are rejecting God and the truth.
- But pray for them for the Holy Spirit to convict them and change their hearts, so that they will one day accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour.

- Some will be interested
- “but others said, “We want to hear you again on this subject.”” (Acts 17:32)
- Be patient with these people. These people are genuinely interested in getting to know more about Jesus, but they want and need to hear more about Him to think through their issues.
- They may come with a more logic approach and are trying to understand Jesus from their human limited mindset (which we all have), but that’s why it takes faith.

- Some will become believers
- “Some of the people became followers of Paul and believed.” (Acts 17:33)
- It is unusual but not impossible for people to believe in Jesus straight away.
- When this happens say a salvation prayer so that can repeat after you and make them aware that they understand what they are saying and believing in.
- You can use our Salvation Video to show and share with them (it is an 8 min video explaining the Gospel and there is a prayer at the end they can repeat back if you are not comfortable doing this on your own).
How you should respond to those who “sneer” at you or reject the Gospel you are evangelising?

You may or may not have heard of this saying “shake the dust off your feet”.
This phrase appears 4 times in the New Testament and it was the command Jesus gave to the disciples when He sent them to evangelise two by two.
You can see this command in Matthew 10:14, Luke 9:5, Mark 6:11 and Acts 13:51.
The idea of this saying is the same as the modern phrase we use today “we move”.
When we usually say “we move” it implies that you no longer want to stay, talk, wallow or overthink a specific situation, person or thing and you want to happily move on to the next [fill in the blank].

Thank you, next.
“Shaking the dust off the feet” is similar to that.
So, when Jesus told the disciples this before they went to go and preach the Gospel it was to refer to, where they will be received with joy when preaching the Gospel, they should stay and teach.
However, if they were to go to places where people were to reject the message, they should not feel personally offended. Instead, they should happily and freely walk away with a clear conscience knowing that they had done all that they could do, and it was no longer their responsibility.
In effect, “shaking the dust off the feet” is saying that you were not going to allow people who rejected the truth to hinder the progression of evangelising the Gospel to spread worldwide.
So, that same attitude you come with saying “we move” bring that same energy to “shaking the dust off the feet” when people reject the Gospel you evangelise.
Let me get an AMEN! [I’m expecting you to say “AMEN!” ya know hehe]
I hope these steps and tips help you to go out and boldly evangelise the Gospel. If you read this but you are unsure on what is the Gospel, go back to our Salvation series (we have a Study Sunday, Faith Friday and Wisdom Wednesday blog post on it).
Have a read and also feel free to share our site with those you go and evangelise to, so that they can be discipled once they are saved.
Okay, that’s it from me. See you on our next blog post which will be a Study Sunday on evangelism.
Stay Blessed,
Divine L.
- Equipped to Evangelise Book by Rev. Dr. Steve Asante
- Bible in One Year 2020 with Nick Gumbel Devotional Plan (Day 178) – YouVersion Bible app
- What does it mean to shake the dust off your feet? – GotQuestions

Hi, I am Divine L., your sister-in-F.A.I.T.H., who is passionate about discipling Christian girls to be a walking embodiment of Jesus Christ in their daily lives and to help young girls and woman become who God destined for them to become. It is a great blessing to welcome you to the F.A.I.T.H. sisterhood!