Do you want to become a godly wife?
The Bible gives us wisdom on how we as Christian women can be godly women and wives. So, in this blog post I will be sharing with you 8 biblical tips on how to be a godly wife.
Let’s get to it!
1. Prayerful Warrior
A godly wife who is prayerful is a woman who prioritises her relationship with God and understands the power of prayer. She not only prays for her own needs but also intercedes for her husband, family, and friends (Ephesians 6:18). Through prayer, she seeks God’s guidance and wisdom for every decision she makes (James 1:5), and she trusts in His plan for her life (Proverbs 3:5). Her prayer life strengthens her faith and helps her to remain steadfast in difficult times (James 1:2-4). By being a prayerful woman, she demonstrates her dependence on God and serves as a positive example to those around her.
2. Gentle and Quiet Spirit
A godly wife who has a gentle and quiet spirit is a woman who exhibits an inner peace and contentment that comes from her faith in God. She is not easily shaken by the storms of life (Psalms 1:3), but instead, she trusts in God’s provision and protection (Philippians 4:19). Her gentle spirit is reflected in her kindness, compassion, and patience towards others, even in difficult situations (Colossians 3:12). She speaks with wisdom and grace, using her words to build up and encourage those around her (Proverbs 31:26). Her quiet spirit does not mean she is timid or weak, but rather, she is confident in her identity as a daughter of God and finds strength in Him. By having a gentle and quiet spirit, she exemplifies the beauty and power of a woman who trusts in God (Proverbs 31:30).
3. Fears the Lord
A godly wife who has the fear of the Lord is a woman who recognises God’s holiness, sovereignty, and power. She reveres Him above all else and seeks to honour Him with her life (Matthew 6:33). Her fear of the Lord motivates her to live a life of obedience to His commands (John 14:15), and she seeks to align her thoughts, actions, and attitudes with His will (Romans 12:2). She recognises that her relationship with God is the foundation of all her relationships, and she seeks to reflect His love and grace to others (Matthew 22:37-39). Her fear of the Lord leads her to pursue wisdom and understanding, and she trusts in God’s provision and guidance for her life. By having the fear of the Lord, she demonstrates her trust and dependence on Him and serves as a positive example to those around her.
4. Filled with Wisdom
A godly wife who is filled with wisdom is a woman who seeks understanding from God and applies it to her life. She recognises the value of knowledge and understanding (Proverbs 9:10), and she actively pursues it through reading the Bible (Matthew 4:4), seeking counsel from wise mentors (Proverbs 1:5), and prayer (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Her wisdom is reflected in her decision-making, as she considers the long-term consequences of her actions and seeks to honour God in all she does. She uses her words to speak truth and encouragement to others, and she seeks to build up those around her (1 Thessalonians 5:11). Her wisdom also enables her to discern between right and wrong, and she stands firm in her convictions, even in the face of opposition. By being filled with wisdom, she serves as a positive influence to those around her and brings glory to God through her actions and words.
5. Submits and Respects her Husband
A godly wife who is submissive and respectful of her husband is a woman who understands God’s design for marriage. She recognises her husband as the head of the household and submits to his leadership (Ephesians 5:22-23), trusting in God’s provision and guidance for their family. Her respect for her husband is reflected in her words and actions, as she seeks to honour him in all she does. She does not seek to dominate or control her husband, but instead, she works alongside him as a partner, using her unique gifts and talents to complement his own (Genesis 2:18. 21-22). Her submission and respect enable her to create a harmonious and loving home, where both spouses feel valued and appreciated (Proverbs 31:23, 28-29). By being submissive and respectful, she demonstrates her trust in God’s plan for marriage.
6. Hard Worker and Entrepreneurial
A godly wife who is a hard worker and entrepreneurial is a woman who recognises her God-given talents and uses them to serve others. She is diligent in her work, whether it be in the home, the workplace, or in her own business (Proverbs 31:13-15, 21-22, 24). Her entrepreneurial spirit enables her to identify needs and opportunities, and she uses her creativity and ingenuity to develop solutions (Proverbs 31:16-18). She seeks to be a good steward of her resources, managing them wisely and using them to bless others. Her hard work and entrepreneurship not only benefit her family, but also those around her, as she seeks to make a positive impact in her community (Proverbs 31:20). By being a hard worker and entrepreneurial, she reflects God’s character of creativity and industry.
7. Serves in her Church and Community
A godly wife who is of service to her community and church is a woman who recognises the importance of loving and serving others. She uses her God-given talents and resources to bless those around her, whether it be through volunteering, serving on committees, or reaching out to those in need (Proverbs 31:20). Her service is not done out of obligation or for personal recognition, but rather out of a genuine love for God and others. She recognises the importance of being involved in her church community, and seeks to use her gifts to build up and encourage others (1 Peter 4:10). Her service extends beyond her immediate community, as she seeks to make a positive impact in the world through her words and actions. By being of service, she reflects God’s character of love and compassion.
8. Takes Care of her Home
A godly wife who takes care of her home is a woman who recognises the importance of creating a peaceful and loving environment for her family. She takes pride in her home, and seeks to maintain it with diligence and care (Proverbs 31:27). She recognises that her home is a reflection of her heart, and seeks to create a welcoming space for her family and others. She prioritises the needs of her family, and seeks to meet them with love and kindness (1 Timothy 5:8). Her home is a place of rest and refuge, where her family can feel safe and loved (Proverbs 14:1). Her care for her home extends beyond its physical appearance, as she seeks to create an atmosphere of warmth and hospitality. By taking care of her home, she reflects God’s character of love and creativity, and serves as a positive example to her family.
I hope this blog post has blessed you to take away some characteristics that make up a godly wife.
What biblical tip(s) will you implement to become a godly wife? Leave a comment below.
Stay blessed,
Divine L.

Hi, I am Divine L., your sister-in-F.A.I.T.H., who is passionate about discipling Christian girls to be a walking embodiment of Jesus Christ in their daily lives and to help young girls and woman become who God destined for them to become. It is a great blessing to welcome you to the F.A.I.T.H. sisterhood!