It is extremely difficult to be a woman in the 21st century. Many expectations and opinions imposed on women on how they should function and manage their role leave many women around the world struggling to discover and understand their identity, where they stand in family, the community, the church and the world.
So, in today’s blog post, I will be setting the record straight and explaining the purpose, function and power of a woman, and how as godly women, we should operate in this modern society.
The Purpose of a Woman
When the purpose is not known abuse is inevitable, therefore, in order to know the purpose of a thing, you must go back to its maker. Its maker will be able to articulate the purpose and function of the thing they have made. This same principle applies to us. Therefore, in order for us to know the purpose of a woman, we must go to our Maker, God, to discover His intention and original design of creating a woman. Thus, this takes us to the beginning, Genesis.
“26 Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” 27 So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. 28 Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”” (Genesis 1:26-28).
We see that God’s original design for us was to be made in His (the Trinity of God) image and likeness, and He follows up with His reasonings which are:
- to have dominion over the animals on Earth.
- to be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth.
Ultimately, God wants us to reflect the kingdom of heaven on earth, just as God has dominion over every living thing in heaven, He ought for us to mirror Him, and have the same responsibility ruling over the animals on earth. To be clear, men and women are not to rule over each other but to work together to rule over the animals on the earth.
Also, to be fruitful and multiply is to fill the earth with offspring, which in turn will continue the process of God’s children subduing the earth and maintaining the balance of power on earth, with mankind as dominant leaders over animals. This in turn will build a godly generation on Earth mirroring Heaven.
There’s also something else I don’t want you to miss about the purpose of being a woman, but it requires breaking down the passage further by going back to the original language the Old Testament which was written in Hebrew.
“Image” = In Hebrew means a ‘spirit nature’ or ‘moral character’. This means that mankind is to behave, reflect and imitate God, by following His actions, character and spiritual nature. When we operate in this way we are operating in our true natural self. We are therefore not made with the intention to follow the action, behaviour and character of the world (Romans 12:2), because we are spiritual beings living on earth, it will be against our original design and nature; it will be unnatural.
“Man” = In Hebrew this is a plural word for species (mankind). “Man” is the name that God gave to the species, and the species are spirits, they have no gender. This is how we are able to be the image and likeness of God because we are from Him, spiritual beings. As a woman, you are first and foremost a spiritual being.
“Make” = In Hebrew, the word is ‘Asa’; which means to form from something that is already present. This means for you to live on earth and fulfil your physical assignment/purpose, you must have an earth suit (flesh). We see in Genesis 2:7 that mankind was made from the “dust of the ground”, this was how we were given flesh over our spiritual being to reside on earth and be image-bearers of God.
“Create” = In Hebrew, the word is ‘Bara’ which means to form from nothing. God formed us from Himself. He didn’t have to use material around Him to create the spirit of man. This emphasises the point that you are a spiritual being, this is your original design and truest nature.
“Male and female” = It is the earth suit for the man and woman. The spiritual man (mankind, which includes women) has a physical assignment on earth, thus God created the spiritual man from the dust of the ground; from the very earth. So, God calls the earth suit “male and female” and He put the man (mankind aka spiritual being) in the male and female. We have one body (male or female) with everybody (mankind/species).
The key takeaway from this is that the purpose of a woman is to be an image-bearer of God by recognising that you are a spiritual being living temporarily on earth, to fulfil the purpose of God which is to reflect the kingdom of heaven on earth in all that you do.
The Function of a Woman
Now, that we understand the purpose of a woman, going back to God’s design and nature, it is time to move on to the function (role) of a woman.
The function of a woman is often seen as being a helper and companion to her husband, as well as a nurturer and caregiver for her family. This is based on the biblical account of Eve being created by God to be a “helper” for Adam (Genesis 2:18). God made Adam a helper suitable to him meaning that she would complement him and be useful in his assignment. The man and woman would be the agency through which God will dominate the earth. Man and woman will be partners in rulership.
However, it is important to note that the function of a woman is not limited to marriage and motherhood. Women are also valued for their contributions to the church and society as a whole. In the Bible, there are numerous examples of women who played important roles in the spread of the Christian faith, such as Mary Magdalene, who was the first person to witness the resurrection of Jesus Christ and was entrusted with spreading the news to the disciples (John 20:18).
In addition, as women of God, we are taught to follow the example of Proverbs 31, which describes the characteristics of a virtuous woman who is industrious, charitable, and wise. This passage highlights the importance of women using their talents and abilities to serve others and make a positive impact in their communities.
Furthermore, biblical teachings emphasise the value of all human life, regardless of gender, and encourage women to pursue their passions and goals in life. This includes pursuing education, careers, and other opportunities that align with God’s will and plan for your life.
In summary, the function of a woman is multifaceted. It includes being a helper and companion to her husband, a nurturer and caregiver for her family, a servant to her church and community, and a person who is valued and respected for her talents and abilities.
Related: How to be a Woman of God
The Power of a Woman
What is the use of knowing your purpose and function, yet not knowing how to execute it? It is important as a woman to recognise your power in walking in your purpose and function. If you don’t you can easily get trapped in moving like a man and being in competition with them because you think and believe that equality means sameness, but that is far from the truth. When you compete with someone, you are admitting that they are superior to you, but nowhere in the Bible does it state that women are inferior to men, so don’t act like it.
We don’t have to try to be equal to men when God has already designed us as equals (Genesis 1:27, Galatians 3:28). We have to get back to functioning and walking in the way God designed women to be and that looks different to men.
Here is where I explain how you can walk in your purpose and function as a godly woman in this modern society.
Men and women are both called to have dominion, but we are called to execute it differently. As a woman, you lead by the influence of power, whereas men lead by the influence of position.
The man is the head (Ephesians 5:23) and the woman is her husband’s crown (Proverbs 12:4). Culturally, we are told that the woman is the neck, but that is not biblical. She is rather her husband’s crown which means she honours him. This illustration demonstrates the beautiful harmony between men and women. As the man leads and sets the foundation, the woman honours it by sustaining it. That is why she moves in the power of influence and he moves in the power of position. This kind of partnership brings true success and happiness within the home.
Whatever atmosphere that is set, she carries it. Whatever is poured into the woman, she will overflow with it. It is not a coincidence that the first person to spread the gospel was a Samaritan woman (John 4:28-29). Additionally, it is not a coincidence that the first person to spread the news of the resurrection of Jesus was Mary Magdalene, a woman (John 20:18). Hence, the way women dominate spreads wide because of their power of influence.
When Eve was created, she was made with Adam’s rib (Genesis 2:21-23). A rib supports and protects the vital organs for respiration. In order for the spirit man to be able to do his physical assignment here on Earth, it is the responsibility and the power of the woman to be able to help him execute that because she has been called to help alongside him. She was created to be a “suitable helper” for the man, thus as a woman, your power is being a natural helper and supporter to the person or people you are assigned to.
A woman incubates, whatever you give or pour into her. Be mindful of what you pour, or give to a woman, because she will be fruitful, and multiply that very same thing. Give a woman a vision and she will give you action steps. Give her groceries and she will give you a meal. Give a woman your sperm and she will give you a baby. Give a woman a house and she will give you a home. But if you give a woman frustration she will give you hell. That is the power of women whatever we touch we can make multiply and are fruitful with it because we are the favour that is obtained. As a woman, you have the power that whatever you touch can turn to gold.
A woman doesn’t originate things but receives and multiples them and then gives them back to you, more and/or better than what it initially was.
A Guide to Becoming a Woman of God Ebook
You can learn more about becoming a godly woman in modern society in this ebook.
In this ebook you will learn:
- What is a Woman of God
- The Role of a Woman of God
- How to be a Woman of God
- Is Feminism Godly?
- Divine Femininity vs Godly Femininity
- How to Nurture Your Femininity
- Character Profiles of Women in The Bible
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study
Why not get started today in your journey of becoming the woman that God created you to be? Get yourself and a friend or sister a copy today!
I hope this blog post gave you a better understanding of the purpose, function and power of being a woman and especially a true woman of God.
Leave a comment below sharing what you have learnt today, and what you will take with you to become a true woman in today’s modern society, where everything seems to be going backwards and creating gender confusion.
Stay blessed,
Divine L.

Hi, I am Divine L., your sister-in-F.A.I.T.H., who is passionate about discipling Christian girls to be a walking embodiment of Jesus Christ in their daily lives and to help young girls and woman become who God destined for them to become. It is a great blessing to welcome you to the F.A.I.T.H. sisterhood!