Being a lukewarm Christian is a common struggle for many believers. It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day tasks and distractions of life and neglect our relationship with God. But, there are steps you can take to rekindle your faith and strengthen your commitment to God.
Let’s get to it!
What is a Lukewarm Christian?
Revelation 3:15-16, found in the New Testament of the Bible, is a passage that speaks directly to the concept of being a “lukewarm” Christian. In these verses, Jesus is addressing the church in Laodicea, and His words carry a powerful message about the dangers of spiritual complacency and the ways in which believers can rekindle their fervour for their faith. Let’s delve into an in-depth explanation and commentary on these verses:
Revelation 3:15-16 (NIV): “I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.”
1. Understanding the context
These verses are part of a series of messages from Jesus to seven different churches in the Book of Revelation. Each message addresses the specific spiritual condition and challenges faced by the respective church. In this case, Jesus is addressing the church in Laodicea.
2. The lukewarm condition
When Jesus mentions being “neither cold nor hot,” He is using a metaphor familiar to the people of the time. Laodicea had no natural water supply, so it had to import water through aqueducts. By the time the water reached the city, it was lukewarm and unpleasant to drink. In this context, Jesus is using “cold” and “hot” to represent extreme positions of spiritual commitment. “Cold” may symbolise complete rejection of faith, while “hot” signifies passionate devotion. Being “lukewarm” implies a state of spiritual indifference or complacency, which is what Jesus finds concerning.
3. The consequence of lukewarmness
Jesus’s response to lukewarmness is strong—he says he will “spit you out of my mouth.” This imagery conveys a sense of rejection and distaste. Essentially, Jesus is emphasising the severity of spiritual complacency and the need for a vibrant, authentic faith.
How to Stop Being a Lukewarm Christian?
1. Acknowledge your current state
The first step to overcoming being a lukewarm Christian is to acknowledge your current state. Be honest with yourself and with God. Admit that you have been neglecting your relationship with Him and that you desire to change.
Acknowledge areas in your life that you have not fully given to God. Recognise your shortcomings which will help you realise where in your life you need God to step in so, you can get back on track in restoring and growing your relationship with Him (Romans 3:23).
Acknowledging your current state and admitting your shortcomings is the first step towards repentance and renewal.
2. Repent and seek forgiveness
Once you acknowledge your state, it is essential to repent and seek forgiveness from God. Confess your sins and shortcomings to God and ask for His forgiveness. Remember that God is faithful and just to forgive us when we confess our sins to Him (1 John 1:9).
Normally, whilst being a lukewarm Christian you have backslidden from what is righteous and holy in the sight of the Lord. Therefore, it is important to demonstrate your rededication to Jesus by expressing repentance. This goes beyond just saying your “sorry” to God, it requires a change in mindset and action to correspondingly follow (Romans 12:2). You can no longer conform to the lifestyle of the world, you are to submit yourself to the lifestyle that Jesus modelled for us; to call yourself a follower of Jesus requires you to actually follow Him in word and deed.
3. Renew your commitment
After repenting and seeking forgiveness, it is important to renew your commitment to God. Spend time in prayer, read the Bible, and meditate on His Word. Find a church community where you can worship and grow with other believers. Make a conscious effort to put God first in your life.
To initially be a lukewarm Christian is to not place God as a priority in your life but once you rededicate your life to Jesus, you are to be intentional about prioritising Him. Learn to seek God’s face on a daily and best believe you will find Him (Jeremiah 29:13). We make the mistake of seeking after earthly things first and leave God as a last resort. We have it backwards. We are to first seek after God and the things of God and surely everything else will follow (Matthew 6:33).
Seek to cultivate a genuine, passionate love for God!
4. Surround yourself with strong believers
Surrounding yourself with other believers who are strong in their faith is important. Seek out friends and mentors who can encourage and challenge you in your walk with God. Having accountability partners can help you stay on track and keep you motivated to pursue a deeper relationship with God.
Proverbs 27:17 says that “as iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another”, this means that there is a need for constant fellowship because you can effectively help each other to become and look more like Christ, using the word of God which is a double-edged sword to edify and correct one another (Hebrews 4:12).
5. Serve others
Serving others is a great way to strengthen your faith and overcome being a lukewarm Christian. Look for opportunities to serve in your church and community. When we serve others, we are serving God and reflecting His love for others. Serving can also help us gain a new perspective on life and deepen our empathy and compassion for others.
As the body of Christ, each and every one of us has a purpose and function to ensure that the church is functioning well and that the gospel is spread to the world for more souls to be saved (1 Corinthians 12:27). Therefore, serving is also a great way to help move the ministry and kingdom of God forward, by utilising the gifts God has given you to help where you are needed.
Prayer for Spiritual Fire
Heavenly Father,
We come before You humbly, recognising our need for Your grace and guidance. We acknowledge that there have been times when our faith in Jesus has grown lukewarm, and we have not burned with the passion and devotion that You deserve. Yet, we also know that Your love and mercy are boundless, and You welcome us back with open arms.
Today, we lift up our hearts to You, Lord, and we pray for a revival of our spiritual fire for Jesus. We long to be on fire for You, to love You with all our hearts, souls, and minds, as You have commanded us. We desire to be fervent in our faith, never wavering, and always seeking to draw closer to You.
Lord Jesus, ignite the flames of faith within us. Pour out Your Holy Spirit upon us, filling our hearts with a burning passion for Your name. Set our souls ablaze with love for You, so that our lukewarmness may be replaced with a fervent and unwavering devotion.
Help us to remember the depth of Your sacrifice on the cross, the magnitude of Your love, and the eternal hope You bring. May the awareness of Your grace fuel our commitment and drive us to live lives that honour You in every way.
Father, we surrender our complacency and our doubts to You. We ask for the strength to overcome the distractions and temptations that have cooled our faith. Renew our minds, refresh our spirits, and restore our zeal for Your kingdom.
We pray for a heart that beats in sync with Yours, a heart that is filled with compassion for others and a burning desire to share the good news of Your salvation. Help us to be bold witnesses for You, reflecting Your light in this dark world.
Lord, as we seek to be on fire for Jesus, guide us in our daily walk. Surround us with fellow believers who will encourage and uplift us in our journey of faith. Grant us the wisdom to discern Your will and the courage to follow it wholeheartedly.
In Your precious name, Jesus, we pray. Amen.
Being a lukewarm Christian is a common struggle, but it is not a permanent state. By acknowledging your state, repenting and seeking forgiveness, renewing your commitment, surrounding yourself with strong believers, and serving others, you can overcome being a lukewarm Christian and pursue a deeper relationship with God. Remember, God loves you and wants you to draw near to Him.
Leave a comment sharing what you will do to stop being a lukewarm Christian. Don’t forget to share this blog post to encourage others to recommit their relationship with Jesus.
Stay blessed,
Divine L.

Hi, I am Divine L., your sister-in-F.A.I.T.H., who is passionate about discipling Christian girls to be a walking embodiment of Jesus Christ in their daily lives and to help young girls and woman become who God destined for them to become. It is a great blessing to welcome you to the F.A.I.T.H. sisterhood!