What is your star sign?
You respond and get an immediate judgemental look.
Have you experienced this before?
Welcome, to the world of astrology, horoscopes and zodiac signs.
It has been curated in a way to be fun and extremely intriguing piquing the curiosity of the world so desperate to find their identity, and guidance in all this which make up life.
I’m here to not judge, to not condemn nor shame those who practice and believe in astrology. Hey, I once believed in it all.
But my aim is to break down the concept of astrology and get to the root of what it all truly mean.
I don’t find it coincide that the concepts which astrology supports are founded in doctrines which do not believe in a deity or believes that the universe is supposedly one.
I want to get down to the truth of the matter, so join me on this journey of debunking all things astrology and horoscopes.
Let’s get to it!
I want to start this off with defining the astrological terms.
This way we are able to bottle down to the root of what this astrological world is all about, and from this know where we need to debunk its concepts and beliefs.
What is astrology?

In the Oxford English Dictionary, it defines astrology as the art of judging the occult influences of the stars upon human affairs.
In Merriam-Webster Dictionary, it also defines astrology as the ‘divination of the supposed influences of the stars and planets on human affairs and terrestrial events by their positions and aspects’.
Astrology in simple terms uses occultic practices to connect to supernatural powers in order to give information and insight to determine or foretell future events using the position of the sun, moon and planets depending on the time and place of birth.
What is funny to me (maybe funny isn’t the right word) is that even the dictionary; something which is secular, as it was made by man; knows that the origin of astrology has nothing to do with scientific evidence but paganism.
See, the Merriam-Webster Dictionary further explains the difference between astronomy and astrology, it states to ‘Put bluntly, astronomy is a science, and astrology is not.’
So, you don’t even have to look as far as the bible, just by looking into the dictionary or searching up on common Google to find out that astrology is not of God, but it is evil.
Yet we choose to stay blind from the truth and dismiss it.
That must say something.
Later on, in this blogpost I will unpack the claim that astrology is a supposedly science.
But so far, we can learn based on the definition of astrology that:
- It uses divination which is something God forbids Christians to practice (Deuteronomy 18:10).
- It uses occultic practices which again is something God forbids Christians to use (Deuteronomy 18:9-13).
- It is not a science but paganism. Again, something God tells us to stay far away from as Christians (1 Thessalonians 5:22).
What is a horoscope?

The word “horoscope” came from the Greek language which means “watcher of the hour”.
Horoscope then came into the mix of astrology which we now use as an astrological chart or diagram (i.e., natal chart, birth chart) of the position of planets and zodiac signs at a specific time of one’s birth, for use of astrologers to interpret individual character or personality trait and foretelling future events of one’s life.
Astrologers have purposely studied and given meaning to planets and their positions interacting with zodiac signs and their meanings, in order to give out information which supposedly reflects an individual’s life.
From the surface this looks intriguing and fun.
Who doesn’t want to know what lies ahead of them?
Who doesn’t to want to know more about who they are?
I see why people look to horoscopes to find their identity.
Hey, I did too.
But there’s a problem here.
Is confiding in a person and the planets who are creation just like you, to tell you how your future life is predictably going to plan out like, the right pace to search out that information, when we have a Creator?
I don’t know about you, but my answer is no.
It doesn’t make any sense to look to the universe which is just as limited in knowledge and information like me.
And for those who don’t believe in a Creator, look at everything that exist.
Every created thing has a creator.
From your phone to the chair, you are sitting on, there was a manufacturer, a carpenter, all in all a creator.
So, what makes us think that we as human beings are capable of not having a creator ourselves?
You tell me!
So, far we can learn from what horoscope is, is that:
- It believes to read and predict one’s life through stars outside of the guidance of God which He tells us to not do (Jeremiah 10:2 NLT).
- It uses the occultic practice of divination by foretelling one’s future which is an abomination to God (2 Kings 21:6).
- It uses the idea of monism and pantheism which goes against the view of the living and omniscient God who created the heavenly bodies (Isaiah 46:5-10 NLT).
- It gives individuals’ their identity through creation, but God is our Creator who gave identity to His creation (Genesis 1:27).
What are zodiac signs?

According to Collins Dictionary,
‘The zodiac is a diagram used by astrologers to represent the positions of the planets and stars. It is divided into twelve sections, each of which has its own name and symbol. The zodiac is used to try to calculate the influence of the planets, especially on someone’s life.’
The zodiac or star signs come from constellations that mark out the path on which the Sun appears to travel over the course of a year.
Over the course of the year, the Sun appears to be in front of, or “in” different constellations.
This is how in horoscopes we get dates associated with a particular astrological sign, as the Sun is identified to have been in that zodiac or constellation.
For example, if your birthday falls in the month of Gemini, according to astrology that is because the Sun was “in” that zodiac or constellation.
However, it has been scientifically proven through astronomy that constellations no longer align with their corresponding astrological signs due to how the Earth moves and the concept of time.
I won’t get into that now, but you can further read into this, have a look at our Resources listed below.
But how are zodiac signs still used and one of the trendiest concepts in culture today, although, it has been debunked to not actually scientifically work?
Well, now astrologers claim astrology to be a pseudoscience getting away with its inaccuracy and deceptive effectiveness.
Getting people to be fascinated with their sign and what it means, what it says about them due their personality traits, foretelling of their future and who they will most and least be compatible with piques the peoples’ curiosity and interest.
To be honest, it is fun.
However, this raises a concern in today’s culture.
To me it seems as though people are experiencing an identity crisis and are unfortunately looking in the wrong place to affirm their identity.
Your zodiac sign and your chart is not who you are.
You are in fact limiting yourself in seeing who you are because you are made in the image of God, and you grow through that with God already preparing the way for you.
Ephesians 2:10:
“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”
Who better to go to for guidance and to know your identity, than God Himself who created you and your life.
We can learn so far that zodiac signs:
- Gets us to look to the universe for guidance instead of God, this is idolatry which God commands us not to do (Exodus 20:3-4).
- It tries to claim our identity, but it is a counterfeit. Our true identity is in Jesus Christ (Psalm 100:3).
- It is founded on inaccuracy, after all Satan is the Father of lies (John 8:44).
Debunking astrology and horoscopes
To really get down to the bottom of what astrology and horoscopes truly mean and represent we have to start from the beginning which is the origin of it all.
But, to go even further is to understand what you are supporting and believing in when practicing astrology and horoscopes.
On the surface, it all seems to be harmless fun and interesting so much it piques our interest and curiosity and next thing we know we are divulging deep into the deception and darkness of it all.
Trust me, I’ve been there, and that’s why I am here to put together research complied backed up by scripture to prove the evilness of astrology and horoscopes.
Therefore, I will be breaking down and debunking most of the ideas, views and beliefs of what makes up astrology and horoscopes to show to you the deception behind it all and how it is goes against the knowledge of God.
If you don’t believe me, keep on reading.
What is the origin of astrology and horoscopes?
Here is a summary of the origin and history of astrology, horoscopes and zodiac displayed in the table below.
From 3000 BC: Mesopotamia and the Babylonians | Astronomical observations of the constellations began with the sky-watchers of Mesopotamia. They identified the five wandering stars along with the sun and moon. The Babylonians were famous and founders of occult practices. They discovered the concept of zodiac. The concept of zodiac was only used to advise pagan kings. To preface zodiac signs is not biblical, as there was not a term for it. It was acknowledged as constellation (“Mazzaroth” Hebrew word) which God formed (Job 38:32-33). |
From 6th Century BC: The Greeks | The Greeks later provided the term for zodiac and described it as an “animal circle” (“zodiakos kyklos” in Greek), developing the constellations to have their own link to their Greek gods. The concept of zodiac was later used to advise and cast fortunes of ordinary people. |
From 1st Millennium BC: India and elsewhere | India had its own astrological system from 1000 BC. The western world was introduced to astrology from Greek influence during the Hellenistic period. |
What are the ideas and views you are believing in when practicing astrology and horoscopes?
Astrology is connected to monism.
What is monism, you may ask?
It is the belief represented by Hindus and Buddhists that everything in the universe is one, there is no true distinction between nature and being.
It denies the concept of a transcendent deity.
Hence, astrology takes on the concept that because there is no transcendent deity therefore, mankind and all of creation including the planets, moon and sun are uniformed as god.
Genesis 1:26:
“Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.””
This shows not only did God create a distinction between mankind and animals, but He enforced difference in role.
We are not one with nature or the universe.
We are in fact are supposed to unite ourselves with Jesus.
1 Corinthians 6:17:
“But whoever is united with the Lord is one with him in spirit.”
That is not to say that we too are God.
That’s a stretch.
It is to refer us back to our original design, our innate identity as we have seen in Genesis 1:26.
We are created in God’s image, so rightfully so, when we give our lives to Jesus, we are joined to Him and represent His image and likeness.
But the doctrine of monism does not believe this.
Monism takes its form into two concepts pantheism and atheism.
We know what atheism is; the belief there is no God.
But what is pantheism.
Astrology supports the doctrine of pantheism.
Well, pantheism is the belief that the universe and all things within nature is God.
It denies the concept of a God, therefore accepts the notion that the universe was created outside of God.
The universe is deemed to be divine and somewhat of a deity.
It is therefore by no surprise that astrologers or those who practice astrology look to the universe for answers.
Or use the name “universe” instead of God when wanting to attract things in their lives or wanting to seek answers.
The go to is the universe not God.
But let’s debunk this all, let me show you that in fact there is a Creator who created all creation, and He is God.
The bible doesn’t waste any time establishing that God is the Creator from the beginning.
Genesis 1:1:
“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”
This means that before creation there was a Creator.
In the beginning there was a Creator.
But not just that but the Creator is the beginning.
And that Creator is God!
Psalm 96:5:
“For all the gods of the peoples are idols, But the Lord made the heavens.”
Anything humans create to symbolise as a god is an idol, a false god.
So, calling the universe a god or treating the universe as one is idolatry.
It Is Your Identity
People look to zodiac signs to find their identity.
But as Christians our identity is found in Jesus Christ.
The zodiac signs and your birth chart can only say so much about you, it has its limits.
Do you really believe that your identity is just founded on planets, the sun and moon and the time and place you were born?
Really, that’s all that makes up a person?
Let’s think about it, the sun, moon and planets do not have personalities nor do they have the capacity to create a being with all its complexities.
They were given meaning by mankind.
To give meaning to something which does not initially have meaning is what you call divination.
It will have to take someone who lives outside of time and space, who has a personality and the capacity to create mankind, to create the universe and all that is creation.
God is exactly that Person.
God is not only God, but He is a Personal God.
As already established God is the Creator and the Beginning and therefore, He’s able to work, function and create everything outside of time and space.
Genesis 1:27:
“So God created mankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.”
He created us to be representatives of Him.
Our lives belong to Him.
The way we live our lives are supposed to be a reflection of who God is.
Our lives are made to glory the goodness of God.
Creation says more about Him than it says about us.
As we try to look to the universe and creation to find out more about us, we miss the bigger picture.
In fact, we got it all wrong everything points back to the creator, to God, Himself.
See, as Christians our flesh is a testament of our old self, living in sin, living life outside of Christ.
But once we come into the knowledge of Jesus and give our lives to Him, we become a new creation through the Holy Spirit living inside of us.
2 Corinthians 5:17:
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”
The Holy Spirit is a testament of our new self, our new identity in Jesus Christ.
He is helping us live a life that is a representation of who Jesus is.
Galatians 5:22-23:
“22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.”
These characteristics are what makes up our identity, our truest self not the qualities of the zodiac sign.
The zodiac signs appease our fleshy nature and its traits but does not go far beyond to identify us with our inner true self.
Why rely on something that can only speak on behalf of your flesh but not your Spirit?
Doesn’t interfere with religion
Astrologers, or people who believe in astrology and horoscopes will give you all the reasons as to why you should believe in it, and one of those reasons will be that ‘even Christians believe and use it’.
They are not wrong Christians do use astrology and horoscopes, I too once did.
But that doesn’t make it right.
Astrologers will even go as far as using scriptures from the Bible using them out of context might I add, to justify the use of astrology and horoscopes.
Some astrologers believe that the wise men supposedly predicted the birth of Jesus through the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn.
Let me set this straight, the belief that the wise men supposedly used astrology to find Jesus is completely false.
Don’t believe me?
For one, why would God use a concept that is evil which goes against the knowledge of who He is to discover who He is?
And two, the star which the wise men followed wasn’t any ordinary star it was a supernatural star.
Now, the wise men probably did practice astrology for living, after all they were advisers to pagan kings.
They studied the movement of stars and thought they had a meaning because the stars moved fast with a regular pattern, and hence believed that they were gods or the home of gods.
But, let me show you how in this moment in history the wise men did not use astrology to find Jesus.
When the star led them to Jesus, who did they worship the star or Jesus?
Matthew 2:9-11:
“9 After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen when it rose went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. 10 When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. 11 On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.”
With what we’ve learnt so far about astrology it has nothing to do with recognising a deity let alone worshiping one.
So, the fact that this star led them to the Son of God, and they worshipped Him, goes to show that this was the manifestation of shekinah glory.
What does shekinah glory mean, you may ask?
“Shekinah” in Hebrew means “dwelling” or “settling” of the divine presence of God on earth.
The star was to show God’s dwelling among His people.
Exodus 25:8:
““Then have them make a sanctuary for me, and I will dwell among them.”
John 1:1:
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
The “Word” is Jesus.
Ultimately, God used the star to lead the wise men to Jesus to again show us that creation points us back to the Creator, God!
Let me give you more bible to explain to you how astrology and horoscopes does interfere with Christianity and break down the verses which have been used out of context to support astrology and horoscopes.
Isaiah 47:13-14 (ESV):
“13 You are wearied with your many counsels;
let them stand forth and save you,
those who divide the heavens, who gaze at the stars,
who at the new moons make known
what shall come upon you.
14 Behold, they are like stubble;
the fire consumes them;
they cannot deliver themselves
from the power of the flame.
No coal for warming oneself is this,
no fire to sit before!”
I need to create emphasise on the fact that there is no Hebrew word for “astrology” or “zodiac”.
In the Old Testament (which was originally written in Hebrew) they just described the term “astrology” with different words e.g., bowing down to stars or dividers of heavens, and then the word astrology came about later on through modern language such as Greek.
Therefore, it is impossible to use this scripture to back up the use of astrology because first off, the word never even existed back then and was not used in the way it is today (refer to the origin of astrology and horoscope above).
But also, in the context of this scripture, God was humbling Babylon by challenging the sorcerers of Babylon who practiced astrology and other occultic practices to save the people from His judgement.
After all, if they had real spiritual power they would be able to.
But their weakness was exposed in the face of the Lord’s judgement.
They relied heavily on the magicians that they became complacent in no longer turning to God for guidance.
“False religion may seem to offer the warmth of ‘helpfulness’, but it is not a fire to sit by, rather a fire which will burn up, a furnace of destruction.” – Motyer
Doesn’t that sound like us today?
We are so complacent with using and turning to astrology, because it feels good, or it is helpful, but we forget that we serve a God who is always good (Matthew 19:17, Mark 10:18), and that we have the Holy Spirit who is our Helper (John 14:26 NASB).
Judgement is awaiting us and it’s not going to look pretty if we keep up with indulging in Satan’s devices.
Can I get an “Amen”?
Here’s another scripture that astrologers use out of context, that I’m going to debunk.
Job 38:32-33:
“32 Can you bring forth the constellations in their seasons
or lead out the Bear with its cubs?
33 Do you know the laws of the heavens?
Can you set up God’s dominion over the earth?”
“32 Can you bind the cluster of the Pleiades,
Or loose the belt of Orion?
33 Can you bring out Mazzaroth in its season?
Or can you guide the Great Bear with its cubs?
Do you know the ordinances of the heavens?
Can you set their dominion over the earth?”
Job was going through a life crisis and he was asking God for a response since chapter 2, but there was no word from God, until this chapter.
In God’s response to Job, He was challenging Job’s lack of knowledge, but also exposed Job’s lack of might and greatness in comparison to God.
Here, God is clearly stating that Job is not able to govern, manage, master or change any of the stars or constellations in the sky, yet He can.
So, in no way shape or form is God giving us the clear to use and practice astrology.
Instead He’s telling us that we don’t know anything, we’re so limited in knowledge and what we can do in comparison to Him.
So, who do we think we are to give meaning to the constellations and come up with concepts like the zodiac signs to determine our identity or advise our future?
If you are going through a life crisis, and you need some answers, the answers are not in the stars, they are with God.
Ask Him and He will respond, in His time though, His perfect time.
Psalm 147:4:
“He determines the number of the stars
and calls them each by name.”
God is referring to the stars not to support the notion that we can use star signs (i.e., zodiac signs) and planets for astrology, but that He created them therefore He knows His creation, He knows every star that exists personally.
God is showing His majesty as the Creator.
It has nothing to do with us but everything to do with who God is.
It Is Science
But is it really?
Astrology has been argued to be a science because it supposedly astronomy was birthed from astrology.
The argument that astronomy came from astrology is false.
In fact, astronomy spilt from astrology because astronomy shed light on the falsehood of astrology.
Genesis 1:14 (NLT):
“Then God said, “Let lights appear in the sky to separate the day from the night. Let them be signs to mark the seasons, days, and years.”
It is God who determines the meaning of stars not mankind.
Astronomy echoes this.
As it doesn’t look to give meaning in a deterministic nature into how people act and why they act the way they act, that is astrology which is divination.
It simply studies the sun, moon, stars, planets and other objects and phenomena in space.
It discovers and studies what God has already given knowledge and meaning to.
This is why God cannot be separated from science.
God reveals Himself in creation so to separate Him from it is unnatural.
The way I see it, science is the study of God and His creation.
But to rationalise their claim, astrologers believe that there are mechanisms which have an impact on the alignment of the planets affecting an individual’s mood, personality, and environment.
However, multiple studies have found that there is no mechanism, no force to explain how it could all work.
There is no rational reason to split the human population into 12 groups symbolised by randomly assigned constellations.
For astrology to be considered a science it needs to pass these 3 accounts:
- Critically evaluate a hypothesis
- Test it against a conflicting theory
- Adjust the theory based on existing evidence
Yet, it fails to pass all three.
Therefore, astrology cannot be considered a science.
But it has claimed to be a pseudoscience.
However, when something is considered as a pseudoscience it means it is a collection of beliefs or practices mistakenly regarded as being based on scientific method.
So, why is it taken so seriously if it is a pseudoscience then?
But you may be asking yourself, why does it feel like it works?
As Christians, the principle shouldn’t be if it works then it is okay.
Remember, Satan is crafty. He knows what appeals to us.
The New Age always looks positive and good and that is why people get more and more into it, including Christians.
How have we deceived into believing in it?
Have you heard of the term “subjective validation”?
I will explain.
Our brains are wired to look for patterns even when there is no connection between two unrelated or random events, our minds will try to see a connection.
Astrology works in the same effect and that is why it can be perceived as believable or that it works.
The use of blanket statements in horoscopes gets the reader to demand a relationship between two unrelated or random events due to a previous belief of expectancy.
So, when the horoscope says that something will happen to you, whenever something happens, immediately subjective validation switches on and you attribute it to the horoscope you previously read.
Insane. I know.
Let this be a reminder that we are human beings who are flawed and are going to make mistakes.
This gives us more of a reason to stick by, worship and serve the One who is perfect and who makes no error is God.
Be mindful of anything that is popping in culture. It may be one of Satan’s devices.
Read your bible, my friends!
Do your research!
I hope this blog post helped to put to perspective the concepts and truth that lies within the world of astrology.
Now, it is up to you to decide what you will do with this information.
My job is not to save you, Jesus is our Saviour, He does that.
I am here to put a stone in your shoe by getting you to think more critically about why you believe what you believe.
If you are still sceptical or you want more information about astrology, listed below are some resources that have helped me write this blog post.
Stay Blessed,
Divine L.
- The Holy Bible! – https://my.bible.com/en-GB/
- “Ex-Astrologer, Now Christian, Tells All” – Doreen Virtue – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ed0f7dvFYU&t=2330s (Video)
- “Cultish – Navigating the World of Astrology, Pt. 1” – Apologia Studios- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MiH3MGObXtk (Video)
- “Cultish – Navigating the World of Astrology, Pt. 2” – Apologia Studios – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6_LMDoWEyM (Video)
- Merriam-Webster Definition of Astrology and Difference Between Astronomy – https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/astrology (Website)
- Marcia Montenegro (Ex-Astrologer) – http://www.christiananswersforthenewage.org/Articles_Horoscope.html (Website)
- “What is the zodiac?” – EarthSky – https://earthsky.org/astronomy-essentials/what-is-the-zodiac/(Website)
- “History of Astrology” – History World – http://www.historyworld.net/wrldhis/plaintexthistories.asp?historyid=ac32 (Website)
- “Astrology doesn’t work and never worked. Here’s why” – ZMEScience – https://www.zmescience.com/other/feature-post/astrology-doesnt-work-and-never-worked-heres-why/(Website)
- The Creator and the Cosmos – Hugh Ross (Book)

Hi, I am Divine L., your sister-in-F.A.I.T.H., who is passionate about discipling Christian girls to be a walking embodiment of Jesus Christ in their daily lives and to help young girls and woman become who God destined for them to become. It is a great blessing to welcome you to the F.A.I.T.H. sisterhood!