The word of the month of September is “P.U.S.H. It’s Time To Give Birth!”.
The mnemonic for the word “P.U.S.H.” is “Pray Until Something Happens”.
Now, this month’s word is not just an encouragement but it is also a prophetic teaching. The Lord laid this word on my heart and brought me to the story of Hannah in 1 Samuel 1.
So, just a little backstory for those who don’t know the story of Hannah. She was 1 out of the 2 wives of Elkanah who was an Ephraimite (now don’t forget this because I will be coming back to this). But unfortunately, unlike the other wife who could give birth, Hannah could not, she was barren.
But there’s something Hannah did that I want us to pay close attention to, and I believe it is a call for God’s children to begin to do this if they want to birth God’s blessings and promises in their lives.
Hannah “kept on praying to the LORD” for a child, so much so Eli the priest thought she was drunk (1 Samuel 1:12-14).
She prayed like this because she was “pouring out [her] my soul to the LORD” from a place of “great anguish and grief” (1 Samuel 1:15).

There’s something beautiful and important about being vulnerable and transparent with God when you’re suffering, because it is in your weakness you recognise how much you need God’s strength. But it is also when you submit yourself to God’s will.
It was in that moment Hannah made a vow to God that if God was to bless her with a child she would offer his life to be dedicated to God (1 Samuel 1:11).

My question is, what if God was waiting for Hannah’s submission?
Most often when we pray, we petition but we don’t yield to God’s will.
It may be that if you want to pray and see something happen, if you want the birthing of your blessings and promises to take place you need to first partner with God’s will.

My other question is, was Hannah aware of her blessing and inheritance?
You see, let me remind you, Hannah was married to an Ephraimite man. This is the tribe from Joseph’s second son (the youngest) who was named Ephraim. Joseph named him Ephraim “…because God [had] has made [him] me fruitful in the land of [his] my suffering” (Genesis 41:52).
Joseph’s father Jacob adopted Joseph’s sons to share in his inheritance.
The same way which God has adopted us to share in His inheritance.
But that was not all. Jacob also blessed Ephraim more than Joseph’s firstborn Manasseh because the “younger brother will be greater than he, and his descendants will become a group of nations” (Genesis 48:19).
Stay with me! This means that coming from the tribe of Ephraim means you share in the inheritance and blessing of the forefathers of becoming a great and fruitful nation.
Therefore, if Hannah had acknowledged who she had married to and the blessings and inheritance she had become one with, she may have prayed differently.
She may have prayed in spiritual confidence, standing firm in God’s blessing, that fruitfulness was her portion, that she would birth a child.
I pray that whatever blessing God has promised you that you begin to stand firm in partnering with God in His will for you, and you birth what belongs to you.
A blessing from God is His divine favour and will upon your life.

Let me enlighten you, before something happens in the physical/natural realm it first took place in the spiritual/supernatural realm.
The enemy can’t stop God from fulfilling His blessings, but he will try and stop you from allowing God’s blessings from being fulfilled through attacks of doubt, fear and worry.
So, in order for spiritual blessings to take place physically, God is waiting on your faith in Him.
That faith where you pray as though you’ve already received it (Mark 11:24).
That faith where you mean the “Amen” after you pray, which means “so be it” because you are for certain it is done according to God’s will.
To finally bring down what has been waiting for you in the spiritual realm to MOVE and come down into the physical realm, so you can finally see what you’ve been praying for to give birth.
May the Lord remember what you’ve been asking for in prayer, just like He did with Hannah (1 Samuel 1:19).
Stay Blessed,
Divine L.

Hi, I am Divine L., your sister-in-F.A.I.T.H., who is passionate about discipling Christian girls to be a walking embodiment of Jesus Christ in their daily lives and to help young girls and woman become who God destined for them to become. It is a great blessing to welcome you to the F.A.I.T.H. sisterhood!