As a Christian, you may know that Christmas is about honouring the birth of Jesus Christ. But it may be hard to find ways to do so, especially with the consumerism of Christmas. So, here are 6 meaningful ways to celebrate Christmas as a Christian.
Let’s go!
1. Advent Devotional

Reading an Advent devotional is a great way to prepare your heart for the glory of Christmas Day as we celebrate the birth of Jesus. Each day leading up to Christmas you will focus on a Bible reading, reflection and prayer that will bring hope and remembrance of the purpose and importance of why as Christians we celebrate Christmas. There are plenty of Advent devotionals that you can find on the YouVersion Bible app or some online that you can buy.
2. Jesse Tree

For Christmas, a Christmas tree is usually the first thing to be put up and decorated to get everyone in the Christmas spirit. How about creating or putting up a Jesse Tree too? A Jesse Tree is another wonderful way to prepare for Advent by journeying you through the family tree of Christ Jesus.
The Jesse Tree comes from Isaiah 11:1. Jesse was the father of David who was the king of Israel. Jesus descended from the line of David. In the verse, Jesus is the “Branch” whom God promised would grow from the family tree of Jesse.
Each day of Advent, read a Bible story of someone from Jesus’ family tree and decorate it with an ornament symbolising a story on your Jesse Tree. As you decorate the tree, you will begin to see how all the stories connect leading to the preparation of Jesus being born through many generations.
3. Blessings Bags for the Homeless

The Christmas season is a perfect time to practice the fruit of giving to others as a Christian. God loves a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:7). Creating and giving out Blessing Bags are a wonderful way to give back to the community, especially to those who are less fortunate than we are, to share and remind them of the love of God and that He has not forgotten them. You fill the Blessing Bags with essentials that homeless people will need and you can hand them on the streets to the homeless personally and/or to homeless shelters.
You can check out our How to Make Blessings Bags for the Homeless blog post and we have a FREE checklist printable with encouraging cards you can put into the bags.
4. Read the Nativity Story as a Family

It can never get boring reading and studying the nativity story of Jesus’ birth. Why not do it with the family? Go through the Book of Luke, chapters 1 and 2 and centre your hearts on the meaning of Christmas and how wonderful and miraculous His birth was. You can do a Bible study leading to or on Christmas day and pray over the scriptures, giving thanks to the Father for giving us His Son, Jesus.
5. Go to Church on Christmas Eve

Some, if not all churches do some kind of event in celebration of Jesus’ birth. Whether it is holding a church service, Christmas lunch or dinner or showing a nativity play or movie, it is a great way to be in communion with others sharing the same belief and purpose of why we celebrate Christmas.
6. Shoe Box Appeal

Similarly to the blessings bags for the homeless, the shoe box appeal works in the same fashion, but it is putting together essentials and gifts for children in a shoebox that will be sent across the globe so that the gospel is spread and they know that they are not forgotten about during the Christmas season.
If you live in London, UK, the Samaritan’s Purse charity help people to send their shoebox across the globe. You can support the charity by packing a shoebox and following their guidelines on how to do it accordingly and how you can send it to them so that a child across the globe can have a special Christmas gift from you.
Leave a comment below sharing what you will be doing to honour Jesus Christ, this Christmas.
Stay blessed,
Divine L.

Hi, I am Divine L., your sister-in-F.A.I.T.H., who is passionate about discipling Christian girls to be a walking embodiment of Jesus Christ in their daily lives and to help young girls and woman become who God destined for them to become. It is a great blessing to welcome you to the F.A.I.T.H. sisterhood!