how to have faith in God in hard times


Do you want to have strong faith in God that can withstand hard times?

You are probably going through a tough time and need to know how to build your faith in God and practice faith in Him on a daily. 

So, let’s get to it!

What is faith in God?

biblical definition of faith

The Bible defines faith as “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1). Automatically when people hear about biblical faith they believe it means to have blind faith. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Faith has its reasons and it can only be understood spiritually. Simply put, just as our physical eyesight is the sense that gives us evidence of the physical world, faith is the sense that gives us evidence of the invisible, spiritual world.

It is not faith if you can see or touch a thing or person (2 Corinthians 5:7). Nor is faith just a mere belief in God or an intellectual understanding of who He is. It is to trust in, rely on and cling to Him no matter what you go through. 

Where does the power of faith in God come from?

Faith is not something we can materialise ourselves. Faith comes from God in a form of a gift, just like grace (Ephesians 2:8). A gift is something that is freely given to you, you did not have to work or earn for it. This is the same principle that is applied to faith in God. 

God gives His faith to His children freely, but it is important for us to appropriately exercise any gift from God responsibly, to not become lazy or complacent with it. Hence, you can ask God for faith, even an increase of faith and He will give it to you (Luke 17:5, Mark 9:24). Jesus prayed for Peter for his faith to be strengthened (Luke 22:32)

So we know that faith comes from God and we can ask Him for it. But through what means does God gives His faith to us?

The Bible explains to us that faith comes from hearing the word of God (Romans 10:17). Therefore, it is the word of God which produces faith. You can receive faith through reading and studying the word of God, hearing a sermon preaching things from the word of God, and hearing someone teach about the gospel. So, really anytime the gospel is being communicated faith can be produced to believe in Jesus. 

Why do we need strong faith in God during hard times?

Faith is the epitome of the Christian walk with God. You are saved through faith (Ephesians 2:8). You please God through faith (Hebrews 11:6). As a Christian you need faith.

Having faith in God helps you to endure hard times (James 1:2-4). It is in those hard times that your faith is tested. God doesn’t test your faith because He doesn’t know what kind of faith or how much faith you have. It is tested because we are often ignorant of the amount and kind of faith we have in God.

 God’s purpose in testing our faith in Him is to:

  • Show that it is sincere faith or true faith.
  • Show the enduring quality of our faith.
  • Show the strength of our faith.
  • Show the impurities of our faith to purify it.

Having faith in God during hard times matures you spiritually. Our faith in God is partly measured by how we respond to trials. If you can only praise, worship and glorify God when good things happen to you, then it may mean your faith in God and love for God is based on what He can do for you. But, when trials and temptations come and you can still find joy, and in you to praise, worship and glorify His name, now that is a sign of a genuine believer in God (1 Peter 1:6-9)

How do we practice faith in God in hard times?

Hall of Faith - Hebrews 11. How to Have Faith in God.

Faith is not a feeling. Faith is an action. Without action, faith does not work (James 2:17-19). This means having faith in God results in good works. A person who claims to be a Christian, actions will have to reflect their faith in Jesus (James 1:22-25). So, when you commit your life to Jesus, your life should be transformed (2 Corinthians 5:17). It should reflect Him.  

So to be saved, you need faith in Jesus alone. But to show the results of your salvation (your faith in Jesus) actions (good works) must follow (Ephesians 2:10). We were created in the image of God, and therefore God delights in seeing us becoming more like Jesus daily (Genesis 1:26, Romans 8:29)

The Holy Spirit who lives in us helps us to produce fruit (characteristics) of Jesus in our daily life (Galatians 5:22-23). Just like fruit is evidence of the kind of tree, so are the characteristics of Jesus we display as evidence of our faith in God. 

How we respond in hard times determines whether we grow and thereby receive a greater measure of the Spirit. 

We can dignify the trial, which pleases God by(2):

  • Not complaining while it lasts.
  • Not trying to hasten its conclusion by manipulation.
  • Learning all we can from it.

We can show contempt for the trial by(2):

  • Sulking or murmuring during the whole time of the trial.
  • Not seeing it as from God and trying to hasten its end.
  • Making no attempt to learn. 

Being contemptuous may cause you to fail the trial and God may send another to see if you really want to grow in grace and faith. Hard times are inevitable, Jesus warned us about this countless times (John 16:33). He had to also suffer, but suffering does not outweigh the glory which will come (Ephesians 3:13, Romans 8:18). This should teach us that we should accept hard times with grace, dignity and faith.

There are outstanding biblical examples of people in the Bible who showed their faith in God. Hebrews 11 is otherwise called The Hall of Faith where these examples are listed and explained to us to follow in their footsteps. 

Biblical charactersHow did they show faith in God?Lessons we can learn
NoahHe was warned of a flood which was something that no one had ever seen. He obeyed God anyway and built the ark. Faith always requires action – he prepared an ark moving in godly fear*. If God is asking you to do something that you may have never seen happen in your life or to the people around you, don’t doubt God but move with the fear of God*. Obey His instructions regardless. He did not instruct them, He instructed you. 
AbrahamHe partially obeyed God and stepped out in faith by going to a foreign country (unknown to him) God promised him, and lived as a stranger there looking forward to the day he would have a permanent house. 
His faith was tested by God to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice but reasoned that God would be able to resurrect him.
He obeyed God partially (delayed obedience), but God still regards him as having faith. He had faith but it was less than perfect. God is not asking for our perfection but progression. God does want your faith even if it is as little as a mustard seed. 
His faith progressed and he obeyed God fully – he sacrificed his son although it was a promise from God he waited 25 years for. Learn to not have a tight grip on God’s promises but receive them with open hands, ready to sacrifice them or give them back to Him whenever.
MosesHe showed faith when he let God direct the course of his destiny, instead of allowing Pharaoh’s daughter or selfish ambition to do it. 
He chose to suffer affliction rather than the fleeting pleasures of sin. He didn’t allow the fear of Pharaoh’s anger to persuade him to stay in Egypt rather he had faith and fear in God*. 
He had faith to believe the blood of a lamb on the doorpost would save a household from the terror of the angel of death.
Don’t let people pleasing determine your destiny; die to your flesh and follow the will of God for your life. 
The pleasures of this world are temporary. Suffering is a part of life but the glory of God is valuable and long-lasting. Don’t fear or please people, only fear and please God*. 
Have faith that the blood of Jesus saves, with this faith you will surely be saved, otherwise, you will perish. 

*deep reverence and awe of God

Jesus is the Author and Perfecter of our faith (Hebrews 12:2). This means that Jesus both creates and sustains our faith. Don’t try to endure the tough times on your own, lean on the faith God gifted you freely. 

Faith Planner Printable

free resource: faith planner printable

We have a FREE exclusive resource out for you! It is a Faith Planner Printable, based on this blog post. The printable includes faith goals, daily gratitude and a prayer journal. This is to help build and strengthen your faith, especially during hard times. Join the mailing list below.

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Stay blessed,

Divine L.


  1. The Holy Bible – https://my.bible.com/en-GB/ 
  2. Understanding Theology Volume II by R.T. Kendall, p.155-164.