

The Word of the Month of June is “Transition”. The scriptures we will be touching on are:

Genesis 6

Matthew 14

Exodus 3

You are in a transition season!

In England, it has been raining in the middle of spring – when it rains a lot it is a sign of transitioning into a new season. 

Spring is a transition month alongside Autumn. When you are in spring you are transitioning to the next season which is summer 

Some of you God is going to ask you to dedicate this transition month in His hand. He may be calling you to leave places or calling you into places. But the circumstance(s) will feel unpredictable. 

There are going to be choices that you are going to have to make where you can’t evidently predict what is on the other side. It is going to require you to step out in faith. 

This reminds me of the scripture of Noah and the flood. This was a transition period where God needed to renew the world from its wickedness and He did it through a flood (Genesis 6).

This also reminds me of the scripture of Peter walking on water (Matthew 14). This required an action of faith from his behalf. In order for him to get to the other side where Jesus was at he needed faith. The circumstance was unpredictable as to whether the storm was going to swallow him up. But he had a choice, to choose whether to step out of faith regardless of the storm, what he could evidently see. Or to follow Jesus and take a risk as to whether the storm would in fact swallow him. You can only know the outcome once you take that first step of faith. 

God is also saying that He will be using this transition period to redefine your identity but also the identity you perceive of Him. 

Moses had an identity crisis. He was stuck between siding with the Hebrews or the Egyptians. He moved from Egypt to the wilderness in Midian. The Wilderness was his transition period (Exodus 3).

It was in that transition in the wilderness where he was able to rediscover and allow God to redefine his identity as to what God had called him to do. 

But also Moses perception of God was also redefined to him as “I AM THAT I AM”.

God is putting you in this transition season to make you aware of who He created you to be and do for Him here on this earth. 

You cannot move to the next season without going through this transition. 

Before you get to the next season you need to have an understanding of who you are in Christ, of who God called you to be, of what you are meant to do in the next season.  

Before God sends you, He needs to establish somethings in you and the main thing being is your identity. 

Whatever is on the other end God needs you to be prepared for it. 

He needs you to be prepared for the no’s so that you understand that no does not mean unqualified or that you’re not good enough. That in fact a No from the Lord can mean protection, love and that He is redirecting you elsewhere which is made for you. 

Don’t be afraid of transition! It’s time to reclaim your identity in Christ! 

Are you ready to transition?

Stay Blessed,

Divine L.